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The Gopichand drum guitar also known as gopiyantra, or often called an Ek Tara is a popular folk instrument in India and Nepal. It is an instrument that was played by the Baul, wandering mistrel from over 950 years ago. ..It's a one-string musical instrument with a drum at the bottom. String is plucked and bamboo sides are squeezed to bend the note...It can be tuned with the peg at the top...Can be restrung with a guitar high E string.
Sounds great with acoustic guitar, makes a whammy bar sound when outer bamboo is squeezed. The one string can be fretted slightly to play other sounds. Great gift for any guitar player or string player. Or wonderful exotic instrument to add to your collection! Hand carved mahogany wood body with bamboo sides and natural goat skin base amplifies the sound of the string. Watch the video! Approx. 24” Long. 



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